Let’s Talk About Shame

Shame. Probably not a topic you would expect from a bookkeeper or accountant, right? Well I talk about shame with my clients. All. Of. The. Time. So many prospective clients of mine come in with their heads hanging down. Even my current clients still call me and start...

IRS Scams and What to Watch For

Even as a bookkeeping firm, we get several calls a week regarding a phone call or letter a client received and whether it is real or not. It’s a scary thing, how good these scammers are getting. We have heard numerous horror stories about how far these people...

The Dangers of Commingling Funds

When we first meet with new clients, inevitably one of the first topics discussed is that of commingling their funds. What exactly is commingling of funds? When the business owner uses their personal checking account to not only pay for business expenses, but also to...